ago football Edit

The evolution of 'The Bark’n Lot'

On any Georgia baseball home weekend in spring, John Parker, also known as the program's superfan “Strap Dawg,” hosts a massive tailgate behind the Foley Field center field fence.

Parker refers to his massive tailgate, which has grown greatly in the last few years, as ‘The Bark’n Lot.’ He loves to put on a huge display for Bulldogs' fans and the players' families.

"I wanted to do a tailgate for the parents of the players," Parker told UGASports. "It started near left field and has now moved toward center field. We started out with four tents, and now we're at 11 tents."

Parker has hosted tailgates for nearly 26 years. He's seen the evolution of 'The Bark’n Lot' grow from just a few people attending to nearly 100 people on any given weekend.

Parker's love for Georgia baseball runs deep. He's watched nearly three decades of players, and his favorite part is when they return to visit him while attending a game at Foley Field.

"I've seen these kids play for many years, and to stay close to their families and have them come back, it's really a joy," Parker said. "They remember what we were doing back then, and I remember what they did here at the ballpark. Even on the road, traveling to all the games, it's really good to have them come back. It puts a smile on our faces to see it come full circle."

Parker has seen former players Cole and Connor Tate, Toney Locey, and the 2008 Georgia team members who made it to Omaha visit his tailgate this year. He likes to see how they are faring, where they are in life, and to see them bring their families to his tailgate.

"It puts a huge smile on my face when that happens," Parker said. "That is why we do all of this."

Parker has been around for many of Georgia baseball's postseason appearances since David Perno was head coach. His favorite memory was when former Bulldog and Major League Baseball veteran Jeff Keppinger hit three home runs in a game against Coastal Carolina during the 2001 season. Parker remembers when Keppinger hit a two-run dinger in the ninth inning to help Georgia defeat Coastal Carolina 8-7 and advance to a Super Regional.

"I remember after the game, somebody interviewed the coach from Coastal Carolina and asked, 'Why did you pitch to (Keppinger), who already had two runs,' And the coach told the reporter, 'What are the odds (Keppinger) is going to hit three of them," Parker said. "And sure enough, it was a walk-off. The players went all the way up to Kudzu Hill to celebrate."

Parker's tailgate features 12 tents this season and the 'The Barking Lot' has grown larger every year.
Parker's tailgate features 12 tents this season and the 'The Barking Lot' has grown larger every year. (Lance McCurley)

Parker takes pride in being a Georgia fan and plays his "Strap Dawg" character well. His charismatic and wild antics have been known around the Georgia baseball program for years.

Parker even calls the local Athens radio station every week during baseball season to talk about what happened the weekend before and who the Bulldogs will play next. He loves it all.

First-year Georgia baseball head coach Wes Johnson has given Parker much to cheer about this year. The Bulldogs can advance to their first Super Regional since 2008 on Monday night, and Parker has been at the ballpark all weekend hosting a three-day tailgate.

Parker is happy to have Johnson in charge of the program.

"I think (this year) has been special. I think what we've got in Coach Johnson is great. He's the real deal," Parker said. "He's a pitching coach, so he knows how to set up his staff. Nobody expected us to be where we are. They picked us to finish sixth in the SEC East, but you know what? We are looking in the rearview mirror now when we see those other teams behind us. It's really sweet to prove the big gurus, who picked us to finish that far back, wrong. I hope we will get the last laugh. These boys deserve it, and we're one win away."

If Georgia knocks off North Carolina State on Monday, there will be a lot of barking at Parker's tailgate after the game. However, he's just excited to see his favorite team come this far.

"If we win, we'll probably barking until tomorrow morning," Parker joked. "I won't be leaving anytime soon."
