football Edit

Everybody gets "the smoke" at Georgia

Players lagging at practice or not doing what’s expected aren’t the only ones who put themselves at risk by being called out by head coach Kirby Smart.

His assistant coaches are, too.

"Oh yeah, everybody gets that smoke. Everybody,” running backs coach Dell McGee said. “Coach Smart has set the standard in this organization. He doesn't let any minute detail go past.”

Apparently, Smart has the memory of an elephant, and no, we’re not talking about his previous tenure at Alabama.

“There are things he'll remember from five or six years ago, and he'll bring that up, and it's like, wow, it's amazing that he remembers that minute detail, or we did this on that day,” said McGee, who said Smart is the sole reason Georgia’s culture of success is currently what it is.

He’s also shown a willingness to change.

“Coach Smart has done a tremendous job of establishing the culture and reinventing himself throughout his eight years of being here,” McGee said. “I credit him to a lot of my knowledge. I think he challenges the entire staff to grow and not be stagnant or stale. He always challenges us to find a different way, find a better way. Are we doing this the right way?”

However, everyone has a voice. Smart will also bring coaches from outside to give their respective takes.

“He’ll in other coaches from other programs, and we’ll lean on those coaches, as well, like ‘Hey, how did you do this particular drill?’” McGee said. “Coach Smart is demanding, but he also allows us to have our voice and opinion while he's still putting his foot on our throat, or giving us the smoke as you were saying."

Dell McGee says no one is spared from Kirby Smart's smoke.
Dell McGee says no one is spared from Kirby Smart's smoke. (USA Today)