Published Jun 28, 2009 Message Board FAQ
Steve Patterson

Basic rules of posting on the message boards

No profanity, and no racist or sexist comments.  


If you are wondering if what you are going to post, or perhaps did post and the post was deleted, is in violation of any of these three things--it probably is. If you need more guidance, please review the FCC's guidelines. While is not subject to the FCC, these guidelines can give you an idea of where we draw the lines.

No attacking other posters.   

If you feel the need to harass another poster over time, don't do it, If you do, your posting privileges will be suspended. Do not start a thread "calling out" another poster. If you don't have anything nice to say, then say nothing at all.

What is considered attacking other posters?

Bringing up their name in posts that they did not start or were not involved in, just to get a reaction from them.

Consistently responding to their posts and responding only to belittle them.
Following them around the board to negatively respond to them.

No repetitive negative posting.   

What makes a repetitive post? In short: if you consistently post more-or-less the same thing every day.
Yes, you can state a negative opinion. But after you have done so, move on. Do not start new threads about the same topic. Do not keep bringing it up in other threads.

Do not bash players. Or coaches. Or prospects. Criticism is fine, with the once-is-enough guideline. Do not get personal though - that is going beyond criticism and into bashing.

No posting of commercial offers, links to competing websites or spamming of the board will be permitted. 

All threads will be deleted at the discretion of the site staff. We are happy to promote certain Georgia fan or alumni owned businesses or services, but please approach the staff before posting a link.

We also prefer you not to link to our competitors who run premium sites or click bait houses. The former won't allow our stories on their forums and the latter are just aggregating news they stole from real working outlets.

If your post on one of our message boards is deleted ....  

The reason this happened is because you broke one of the basic rules. If your post is removed and you want to know why, email us. Or send a direct message. The wrong answer is to demand an explanation on the board. That too will be deleted. If your post is removed, your post was the problem and it is not our responsibility to have a debate about it on the message board. Again, email us.

What is the difference between being "nuked" and "blacklisted"?  

Nuked is having one's post deleted from the message boards due to violation of the basic rules.

Blacklisted is having one's positing privilege taken away due to repeated violations of the basic rules.

Why can't people post whatever they want on the message boards?  

The message boards are privately owned by UGASports, LLC. To view the Terms of Service, click here.

What do I do if I get blacklisted and want to be reinstated?  

First, you must recognize there was a problem with something you posted. Then, if you want to get your screen name cleared from the blacklist, you must email the site staff and tell us your side of the story. It might be as simple as: "the 12-ouncers won", "I had just failed a test and was not in the best mood", or, complex like: "my uncle was visiting from out of town and he used my computer to post those nasty messages". If you do not want to contact us and instead go underground and register for a new account, have at it, but the site staff and message board moderators are pretty good at figuring all of that out, and yes, they do have that much time on their hands. Also, the worse thing that can happen to your chances of getting back in is to have a bunch of people march in your behalf by posting a bunch of "Free BadDawg" posts. Tell your loyal following that they too can email the site staff as character witnesses.

Who is in charge of the message boards?  

Members of the staff and the several volunteer, unpaid moderators. if you would like to help out, contact Radi Nabulsi.

How do I change my user information?

We at UGASports cannot change your username as it is tied to your Rivals account (which in turn has your credit card info) and we are a third-party vendor so we can't do anything to your account for security's sake. Thus, you have to reach out to Rivals customer service to change it.

To change your profile name:
Be sure you are signed in during regular business hours (Contact Hours - Monday through Friday - 8 AM to 5 PM CST)
Go to the Help Form
Click on 'Password and Sign In'
Choose 'Change Username'
In the 'We're here to help' window that pops up, choose 'Live Chat'
A customer service rep will help you pick a name that has not been used to date.

If you ever forget the steps, always remember you can get there by clicking on 'Member Services' at the bottom of any page on our site.
From there you can choose one of the multiple links that will take you to the Help Form.
